The mountain call ❤


The mountain was calling a little louder today. Because I was feeling extra sensitive and felt the need to temporarily pull myself away from everyone. To process my conflicting thoughts and walk with overwhelming emotions. I needed to be in Nature and reconnect with Source.

My soul heeded the call and off I went.

As I wandered slowly but steadily up the track, I was overwhelmed by the beauty. Each time I climb this mountain my senses are tickled. But when I’m alone, it seems to speak to me. Tis why she calls to me most on these rainy days. Because not many people climb in the rain, so there’s less distraction and more opportunity for my energy to deeply connect with her.

The air was fresh and the rain drops were ever so cool. I’m definitly a woman who feels the rain, because I love how the rain falls upon my head and kisses my skin.

A mist with a haunting beauty danced inbetween the trees and I sensed the presence of spirit walking with me.

The fairy wrens flew across my path and the robin came into sight as I expressed gratitude for the connection.

The trees greeted me like old friends, some of which invited me to step closer. As I wrapped my arms around the trunk, in loving embrace. I felt the life force beating between us. Gently pressing my heart and brow against the tree, I asked my mind and heart to be cleared of any lingering negative energy.

As I carried on walking, I reflected over many of my past experiences.

My sisters and I have been talking about our childhood alot lately. Yesterday we talked about what we wanted to do when we grew up. I remembered, that as a young girl, I enjoyed playing with my imagination and wanted to be a teacher.

I suppose nothing much has changed because I still drift between worlds and often get lost in my wild imagination. Something that keeps opening me up to new experiences that stirs the writer.

But my understanding of teacher has changed. I now believe that I’m no wiser than any other. I can only live my life in the best way that I know how.

A whisper tells me …

“Be gentle with yourself” ❤

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