Pondering in the tub


I’m laying in a warm bubble bath, feeling the cool breeze blowing in the window, listening to the rain and I’m grateful for simple pleasures that bring me a sense of inner happiness ❤

However last night was a different story …

My sisters and I take turns having respite, so I was indulging in afew nights at the van. I woke from a nightmare that felt too real at 1am. So I drove back Yam because I needed to see Dad. It was a relief to kiss his warm forehead when I found him asleep, but I still sobbed in my bed.

There are so many thoughts & feelings raging through my body. Observing without attaching to them can be a mighty challenge at times.

Sometimes maintaining flow is a struggle
Sometimes confronting our fear is scary
Sometimes being still with our pain is hard
Sometimes our loudest screams are silent

Truth is,

I don’t always feel strong
My thoughts aren’t always positive
I don’t always feel sunshiney
My emotions aren’t always comfortable

But each and every day I wake up to a new day and I do my very best to honour the moments, with as much honesty, grace and love as I can.

………. and breathe ❤

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